
#CHANGE4DESTINATION – 13 proposals for the future of publicly financed tourism marketing

#Change4Destination, change management, Changeprozess, Destiantionen, Innovation Norway, öffentliches Tourismusmarketing, Tourismusmarketing, Tourismuszukunft

Catharina Fischer30. Sep 2016

Change is inherent to the digital revolution. And change is also our daily companion at Tourismuszukunft. Hardly a day goes by where the digital world isn’t moving, and there are very few opportunities to catch your breath. That’s why our work and our many different projects are subject to a continual process of change. We are constantly monitoring what this process means for us, e.g. from a technological and strategic perspective, and we let relevant aspects directly influence our recommendations and decisions.

 #Change4Destination – what is it?

Change4Destination is just such a change process. For a number of years now we have been helping destinations to navigate the digital revolution. We look to solve strategic, technological and operational questions or to address them step by step as part of an ongoing process of development. We can see the challenges that many destinations face and know that change not only needs commitment but also comprehensive support as well as its own space for development.

Change4Destination is there to provide this space. The starting point was a think tank of experts from the tourism industry that came together in June. Over the course of two days the future of publicly financed tourism marketing was discussed and 13 proposals were formulated in various group discussions.


The outcome of Change4Destination: there are opportunities everywhere.

The 13 proposals represent opportunities. They do not provide one-size-fits-all solutions, nor should they be understood as a potential action plan. The proposals cannot do both of these things, and that’s not what they’re there for. But what they hopefully can do is provide some food for thought as well as impetus for further debate. We need a discussion on the topic of change in destination marketing organisations, and should not shy away from tackling difficult, and perhaps inconvenient, questions – it is the only way to ensure that such organisations remain relevant.

#CHANGE4DESTINATION – 13 proposals for the future of publicly financed tourism marketing ? 


If you don’t move with the times, you’ll be left behind.

The digital revolution is in full swing, and brings with it continuous change for companies, organisations and society. Let’s help drive forward this change, give it the space it needs to develop and thereby shape the future of public tourism marketing.

We look forward to receiving your opinions, ideas and suggestions. Anyone who wants to continue and support this discussion is welcome to do so in this blog, but we are also happy to hear from you directly.


Change4Destination was a two-day think tank that took place on 16 and 17 June in Hamburg. It was run by Tourismuszukunft and Innovation Norway. Various experts from the travel industry were invited to exchange views on the future of publicly financed tourism marketing and to discuss feasible approaches and ideas. The outcome is a published research paper available in German and English. We are getting the word out about the think tank via all our social media channels using the hashtag #Change4Destination.




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