
Where 2.0-Konferenz

Florian Bauhuber12. Feb. 2008

Where 2.0 Conference 2008
Unter dem Titel „Where 2.0 – location is relativ“ findet eine vom O´Reilly-Verlag organisierte Konferenz am 12.-14. Mai in Burlingame, Kalifornien statt. Ich kann Euch gar nicht sagen, wie gern ich bei dieser Konferenz dabei wäre. Sowohl die Beschreibung als auch die bereits definierten Sessions sind äußerst spannend und hochbrisant!

Hier ein kleiner Auszug:

„Over the past four years the geospatial web and its significance has grown–maps are everywhere now!–and Where 2.0 has grown with it.

GIS has been around for decades, but is no longer only the realm of specialists. The Web is now flush with geographic data, being harnessed in a usable and searchable format. The right tools to easily create geo content have finally emerged and the outcome is the ability to represent and search the physical world online. Virtual representations of the physical world are becoming more realistic and important. As this happens, their geographic location becomes relevant and the scope becomes larger and problematic. Companies feel the need to have quality data across the globe—inside buildings and out—and are increasingly turning to their users to collect this data. In addition, the wide availability of geo-data has caused maps to become a required component of many online applications, creating a new market for companies like WeoGeo and GeoCommons to aggregate and generate revenue with geo-data and maps online.


Where 2.0 has been called one of the most provocative, interesting, and important conferences in the geospatial industry. Happening May 12-14, 2008 in Burlingame, California, Where 2.0 brings together the people, projects, and issues building the new technological foundations and creating value in the location industry. Join with other developers, technologists, CTOs, researchers, geographers, academics, business developers, and entrepreneurs to debate and discuss what’s viable now, and what’s lurking just below the radar.


Florian Bauhuber Geschäftsführer | Change Maker | Mentor

Florian Bauhuber ist Geschäftsführer des Experten-Netzwerks Realizing Progress. Bereits seit dem Jahr 2006 berät und begleitet er gemeinsam mit seinen Kolleg*innen unzählige Akteur*innen, die sich mit der Zukunft von Tourismus, Standorten und Lebensräumen beschäftigen. In seinem Fokus stehen dabei unterschiedliche Beratungsschwerpunkte: #ServiceDesign #Change #Nachhaltigkeit #DigitalStrategie #OpenData #Innovation



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